Become a Tollyclub Sponsor

Join the Tollycraft Boating Club family and reach the largest group of Tollycraft owners. Contact our Past Commodore for more details and confirm your sponsorship.

Join the Tollycraft Boating Club Family

Thank-you for your interest in becoming a Tollyclub sponsor.

Level one sponsorship


  • Half page ad in the Tollyclub roster
  • Rotating ad on website with link to your website
  • Recognition in the Tollyclub newsletter and social media throughout the year
  • Link from the sponsor page on the Tollyclub website

Level two sponsorship


Select Level Two Sponsorship

rendezvous sponsorship


  • Choose either a vendor booth or event sponsorship at the Tollycraft Boating Club Rendezvous.*
  • Recognition in the Rendezvous newsletters, social media and event website with link to your website
  • On-site signage
Select Rendezvous Sponsorship

Save $150


  • Save $150 and combine a Level Two and Rendezvous Sponsorship
Select Level Two and Rendezvous Sponsorship
* Choose a Vendor Booth to sell your products, do demonstrations and meet our members OR naming of a Rendezvous event (children’s activities; docktails; morning coffee; Wednesday dinner; Friday dinner; pancake breakfast; Saturday dinner)

Tollyclub Quick Facts

In 2023, there were 257 Tollycraft boats registered with the Tollycraft Boating Club.

70% of members reside in Washington with the remaining 30% in Canada, throughout the USA and a few outside of North America.

92 boats and 214 individuals, registered for the 2022 Tollycraft Boating Club Rendezvous.

Sponsors receive a custom framed Tollycraft Boating Club Burgee with room for annual recognition.